1,000 movies
sean price williams
published by metrograph editions


Over the last two decades, acclaimed NYC cinematographer and director Sean Price Wiliams (The Sweet East) has maintained and sporadically emailed friends and colleagues a list of 1,000 movies—not necessarily a top 1,000, but a personal list from which Williams draws inspiration. First compiled upon the time of his discharge in 2005 from the storied Kim’s Video store, the selection changes constantly, and has developed like a friendship.

Over the years the list has garnered a cult following and is now publicly available for the first time, as an artists’ book published by Metrograph Editions.

As envisioned by Williams, the design of the book speaks to the various ways in which he initially encountered many of the films. Williams has overseen all aspects of the production, utilizing references to the movie guide Video Hound and vintage portable reference manuals. The inside illustration of a TV suggests that many of the films listed are screened rarely, if at all, in theaters and were first seen by the author on a television set. The idiosyncratic layout plays with formatting to the point of creating a poetic vision not dissimilar from the work of the Russian Futurist Mayakovsky.


1000 Movies
Sean Price Williams
Published by Metrograph Editions, 2024
Paperback, 184 pages
6 x 4.25 inches
First edition of 500 copies
Purchase Here

Book Launch and Lobby Reception
7 Ludlow St.
Sunday, February 25